Our Vision…
Sunday Gatherings
We want our Sunday gatherings to be a welcoming space where young people find community and encounter God. We see our Sunday gatherings as places where young people can meet together to be encouraged, patched up, inspired and transformed by God, ready to be scattered in and around Canterbury and Faversham.
Everyday Mission
We believe that we gather on Sundays in order to be ready to scatter from Monday to Saturday. We want to see the young people of Barton live out their faith beyond Sunday and to work out their faith with boldness, living for Jesus and standing up for what they believe in.
Mentored Disciples
We think effective transformation happens best when we learn with others who are further along the faith journey than us. This is why we put a big emphasis on midweek Youth Life Groups and 1-to-1 meet-ups. It’s a big task, but ‘Everyone Mentored’ is our vision, with young people knowing that they have someone in their corner, cheering them on and walking alongside them.