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Our Vision…

Sunday Gatherings

We want our Sunday gatherings to be a welcoming space where young people find community and encounter God. We see our Sunday gatherings as places where young people can meet together to be encouraged, patched up, inspired and transformed by God, ready to be scattered in and around Canterbury and Faversham.

Everyday Mission

We believe that we gather on Sundays in order to be ready to scatter from Monday to Saturday. We want to see the young people of Barton live out their faith beyond Sunday and to work out their faith with boldness, living for Jesus and standing up for what they believe in. 

Mentored Disciples

We think effective transformation happens best when we learn with others who are further along the faith journey than us. This is why we put a big emphasis on midweek Youth Life Groups and 1-to-1 meet-ups. It’s a big task, but ‘Everyone Mentored’ is our vision, with young people knowing that they have someone in their corner, cheering them on and walking alongside them.


At 10.30am Canterbury Youth meet at Canterbury College! Grab a donut before the service begins, get to know some people, find a seat, and after some sung worship the youth will head out. During the hour we have we will have time for hanging out, playing big group games and exploring more of what God has to say to us through His word. 
At 4pm, it’s time for our Faversham Youth group to hangout! We meet at Bysing Wood Primary School. We catch up on the week we’ve just had, eat cookies/muffins, and then explore more of what God has to say to us through His word.


Our midweek youth is where we really focus on the mentoring aspect of our vision. The groups are a great way to build friendships with other youth and get to know the youth leaders in a deeper way.
From 7pm to 8.30pm , we join in with Hope Faversham Youth. Hope Faversham Youth is a group that is made up of youth from a variety of churches in Faversham, usually meeting at Faversham Baptist Church. Over the term we will always have time for socials, big games, opportunities to grow in faith and eat together.
On Fridays we have Youth at 32 Barton Road in Canterbury. We have one group for all youth (Yr 7 – 13) and it runs from 7pm – 9pm. Each week, we eat together, and explore and enjoy God together.


On the 3rd Friday of the month we have All Youth Night which is where ALL the youth get together to do something outside of our usual meeting place… think bowling, rock climbing, and laser tag and you’ll have some idea of what we get up to.

Coming up on July 1st we have a social at Canoe Wild for our Younger Youth (Yr7-Yr9) and Year 6s who will be coming up to youth in September.


Young people always have the opportunity to meet with a youth leader, be part of a smaller community and be welcomed, included and loved.
If you or your young person wants to get involved with what is happening at Barton Church then we would love to connect with you! Our youth worker Ross is always ready to hear from you. Please email him at