CEP Ukrainian Relief projects “Love and warmth for Ukraine”
We would be delighted to have you join the “Love and Warmth for Ukraine” campaign by donating any of the below items through your giving. Please remember those in Ukraine as we are approaching Christmas, for CEP to provide relief to those who are suffering in the war, especially those on the front line.
The list of needs with more details is below.
- First aid kits – £90 per item
- Heaters – £160-230 per item
- Accumulator for a heater – £160 – 1 item (the need is 4 items)
- Medicine (heart, blood pressure, paracetamol type)
- Fuel for humanitarian trips– £500 per trip
- Portable power stations – £600-1000 per item
- Powerbanks – £60 per item
- Winter shoes – £80 per item
- “Starlink” a satellite phone – £500 per item
- Thermal underwear, socks – £10, 30-50 per item
- Winter sleeping bags – £80 per item
- Gas canisters – £30 per item
- Warm blankets – £20 per item
- Woollen gloves (grey/black) – £20-40 per item
- Warm sweaters (fleece) – £40 per item
Give to Barton Church: Cash/Card/Paypal and we will pass on all Christmas donations to CEP
Reference Ukraine
Give direct to CEP: Bank transfer or Via their website https://cepartners.org.uk
Account name: Central Eurasian Partners
Sort code: 40-36-15
Account number: 43825051
Bank: HSBC